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“We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.”
– Native American Proverb

 â€‹ Journal papers (>3100 citations; h-index = 29; *corresponding author)


  1. Wu R, Sin YY, Cai L, Wang Y, Hu M, Liu X, Xu W, Kwan KY, Gonçalves D, Chan BKK, Zhang K, Chui APY, Chua SL, Fang JKH*, Leung KMY* (2024) Pharmaceutical residues in edible oysters along the coasts of the East and South China Seas and associated health risks to humans and wildlife. Environmental Science and Technology 58, 5512–5523.

  2. Leung RKL, Chui APL, Liu X, Lee HW, Leung MMK, Wang Y, Hu M, Kwok KWH, Wu RSS, Jin L, Kong HK*, Fang JKH* (2024) Bioaccumulation of pollutants in the green-lipped mussel Perna viridis: assessing pollution abatement in Victoria Harbour and its adjacent aquaculture area, Hong Kong, and the minimal human health risks from mussel consumption. Marine Pollution Bulletin 201, 116086.

  3. Maboloc EA, Fang JKH* (2023) Tissue regeneration of the purple sea urchin Heliocidaris crassispina. Bulletin of Marine Science 99, 19–20.

  4. Fang JKH*, Tse TW, Maboloc EA, Leung RKL, Leung MML, Wong MWT, Chui APY, Wang Y, Hu M, Kwan KY, Cheung SG* (2023) Adverse impacts of high-density microplastics on juvenile growth and behaviour of the endangered tri-spine horseshoe crab Tachypleus tridentatus. Marine Pollution Bulletin 187, 114535.

  5. Dellisanti W, Leung MML, Lam KWK, Wang Y, Hu M, Lo HS*, Fang JKH* (2023) A short review on the recent method development for extraction and identification of microplastics in mussels and fish, two major groups of seafood. Marine Pollution Bulletin 186, 114221.

  6. Chan SY, Wong MWT, Kwan BTC, Fang JKH*, Chua SL* (2022) Microbial-enzymatic combinatorial approach to capture and release microplastics. Environmental Science and Technology Letters 9, 975–982.

  7. Ho YW, Lim JY, Yeoh YK, Chiou JC, Zhu Y, Lai KP, Li L, Chan PKS, Fang JKH* (2022) Preliminary findings of the high quantity of microplastics in faeces of Hong Kong residents. Toxics 10, 414.

  8. Zhang E, Stocchino A*, De Leo A, Fang JKH* (2022) Performance assessment of bubbles barriers for microplastic remediation. Science of the Total Environment 844, 157027.

  9. Ng KL, Suk KF, Cheung KW, Shek RHT, Chan SMN, Tam NFY, Cheung SG, Fang JKH*, Lo HS* (2022) Macroalgal morphology mediates microplastic accumulation on thallus and in sediments. Science of the Total Environment 825, 153987.

  10. Lee CH, Fang JKH* (2022) Effects of temperature and particle concentration on aggregation of nanoplastics in freshwater and seawater. Science of the Total Environment 817, 152562.

  11. Lee CH, Fang JKH* (2022) The onset of surface-enhanced Raman scattering for single-particle detection of submicroplastics. Journal of Environmental Sciences 121, 58–64.

  12. Liang T, Lei ZY, Fuad MTI, Wang Q, Sun SC, Fang JKH*, Liu XS* (2022) Distribution and potential sources of microplastics in sediments in remote lakes of Tibet, China. Science of the Total Environment 806, 150526.

  13. Leung MML, Ho YW, Lee CH, Wang Y, Hu M, Kwok KWH, Chua SL, Fang JKH* (2021) Improved Raman spectroscopy-based approach to assess microplastics in seafood. Environmental Pollution 289, 117648.

  14. Leung MML, Ho YW, Maboloc EA, Lee CH, Wang Y, Hu M, Cheung SG, Fang JKH* (2021) Determination of microplastics in the edible green-lipped mussel Perna viridis using an automated mapping technique of Raman microspectroscopy. Journal of Hazardous Materials 420, 126541.

  15. Bashir SM, Kimiko S, Mak CW, Fang JKH*, Gonçalves D* (2021) Personal care and cosmetic products as a source of environmental contamination by microplastics in a densely populated Asian city. Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 683482.

  16. Liu SY, Leung MML, Fang JKH*, Chua SL* (2021) Engineering a microbial ‘trap and release’ mechanism for microplastics removal. Chemical Engineering Journal 404, 127079.

  17. Mak CW, Tsang YY, Leung MML, Fang JKH*, Chan KM* (2020) Microplastics from effluents of sewage treatment works and stormwater discharging into the Victoria Harbor, Hong Kong. Marine Pollution Bulletin 157, 111181.

  18. Fang JKH*, Rooks CA, Krogness CM, Kutti T, Hoffmann F, Bannister RJ (2018) Impact of particulate sediment, bentonite and barite (oil-drilling waste) on net fluxes of oxygen and nitrogen in Arctic-boreal sponges. Environmental Pollution 238, 948–958.

  19. Fang JKH*, Schönberg CHL, Mello-Athayde MA, Achlatis M, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Dove S (2018) Bleaching and mortality of a photosymbiotic bioeroding sponge under future carbon dioxide emission scenarios. Oecologia 187, 25–35.

  20. Fang JKH*, Schönberg CHL, Ormond RFG (2018) Are some photosymbiotic bioeroding sponges more bleaching-tolerant than hard corals? Journal of Marine Biology and Oceanography 7, 1.

  21. Fang JKH*, Mason RAB, Schönberg CHL, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Dove S (2017) Studying interactions between excavating sponges and massive corals by the use of hybrid cores. Marine Ecology 38, e12393.

  22. Fang JKH*, Schönberg CHL, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Dove S (2017) Symbiotic plasticity of Symbiodinium in a common excavating sponge. Marine Biology 164, 104.

  23. Fang JKH*, Schönberg CHL, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Dove S (2016) Day-night ecophysiology of the photosymbiotic bioeroding sponge Cliona orientalis Thiele, 1900. Marine Biology 163, 100.

  24. Fang JKH*, Schönberg CHL (2015) Carbonate budgets of coral reefs: recent developments in excavating sponge research. Reef Encounter 30, 43−46.

  25. Fang JKH*, Schönberg CHL, Mello-Athayde MA, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Dove S (2014) Effects of ocean warming and acidification on the energy budget of an excavating sponge. Global Change Biology 20, 1043−1054.

  26. Fang JKH*, Mello-Athayde MA, Schönberg CHL, Kline DI, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Dove S (2013) Sponge biomass and bioerosion rates increase under ocean warming and acidification. Global Change Biology 19, 3581−3591.

  27. Fang JKH*, Schönberg CHL, Kline DI, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Dove S (2013) Methods to quantify components of the excavating sponge Cliona orientalis Thiele, 1900. Marine Ecology 34, 193−206.

  28. Fang JKH, Au DWT, Chan AKY, So LKY, Mok HOL, Yu WY, Liu WH, Wu RSS, Shin PKS* (2010) Ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase enzyme activities and accumulation of secondary/tertiary lysosomes in rabbitfish Siganus oramin as biomarkers for xenobiotic exposures. Science of the Total Environment 408, 4833−4840.

  29. Fang JKH, Wu RSS, Zheng GJ, Lam PKS, Shin PKS* (2010) Seasonality of bioaccumulation of trace organics and lysosomal integrity in green-lipped mussel Perna viridis. Science of the Total Environment 408, 1458−1465.

  30. Fang JKH, Au DWT, Wu RSS, Chan AKY, Mok HOL, Shin PKS* (2009) The use of physiological indices in rabbitfish Siganus oramin for monitoring of coastal pollution. Marine Pollution Bulletin 58, 1229−1235.

  31. Fang JKH, Au DWT, Wu RSS, Zheng GJ, Chan AKY, Lam PKS, Shin PKS* (2009) Concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and polychlorinated biphenyls in green-lipped mussel Perna viridis from Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong and possible human health risk. Marine Pollution Bulletin 58, 615−620.

  32. Fang JKH, Wu RSS, Yip CKM, Shin PKS* (2009) Power analysis for biomarkers in mussels for use in coastal pollution monitoring. Marine Pollution Bulletin 58, 1152−1158.

  33. Fang JKH, Wu RSS, Zheng GJ, Au DWT, Lam PKS, Shin PKS* (2009) The use of muscle burden in rabbitfish Siganus oramin for monitoring polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and polychlorinated biphenyls in Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong and possible human health risk. Science of the Total Environment 407, 4327−4332.

  34. Fang JKH, Wu RSS, Chan AKY, Shin PKS* (2008) Metal concentrations in green-lipped mussels (Perna viridis) and rabbitfish (Siganus oramin) from Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong after pollution abatement. Marine Pollution Bulletin 56, 1486−1491.

  35. Fang JKH, Wu RSS, Chan AKY, Yip CKM, Shin PKS* (2008) Influences of ammonia-nitrogen and dissolved oxygen on lysosomal integrity in green-lipped mussel Perna viridis: laboratory evaluation and field validation in Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong. Marine Pollution Bulletin 56, 2052−2058.

  36. Fang JKH, Wu RSS, Zheng GJ, Lam PKS, Shin PKS* (2008) Induction, adaptation and recovery of lysosomal integrity in green-lipped mussel Perna viridis. Marine Pollution Bulletin 57, 467−472.   

  37. Scanes E*, Kutti T, Fang JKH, Johnston EL, Ross PM, Bannister RJ (2024) The long-lived deep-sea bivalve Acesta excavata is sensitive to the dual stressors of sediment and warming. Marine Pollution Bulletin 202, 116323.

  38. Jiang N, Chang X, Huang W, Khan FU, Fang JKH, Hu M, Xu EG*, Wang Y* (2024) Physiological response of mussel to rayon microfibers and PCB’s exposure: overlooked semi-synthetic micropollutant? Journal of Hazardous Materials 470, 134107.

  39. Jiang L, Shang Y, Shi Y, Ma X, Khalid MS, Huang M, Fang JKH, Wang Y, Tan K*, Hu M* (2024) Impact of hypoxia on glucose metabolism and hypoxia signaling pathways in juvenile horseshoe crabs Tachypleus tridentatus. Marine Environmental Research 197, 106467.

  40. Huang M, Ma Y, Qian J, Sokolova IM, Zhang C, Waiho K, Fang JKH, Ma X, Wang Y*, Hu M* (2024) Combined effects of norfloxacin and polystyrene nanoparticles on the oxidative stress and gut health of the juvenile horseshoe crab Tachypleus tridentatus. Journal of Hazardous Materials 468, 133801.

  41. Li Y, Zhu Y, Huang J, Ho YW, Fang JKH, Lam EY* (2024) High‑throughput microplastic assessment using polarization holographic imaging. Scientific Reports 14, 2355.

  42. Yue C*, Zhang K, Liu Z*, Lü W, Guo H, Zhao L, Song X, Fang JKH (2024) The role of the TLR4-MyD88 signaling pathway in the immune response of the selected scallop strain “Hongmo No. 1” to heat stress. Animals 14, 497.

  43. Li C, Li X, Bank MS, Fang JKH, Leusch FDL, Rillig MC, Tufenkji N, Wang J, Wang L, Xu EG, Yang Y, Zhang C, Zhu D, Liu J, Jin L (2024) The “microplastome” – a holistic perspective to reveal the real-world ecology of microplastics. Environmental Science and Technology 58, 4060–4069.

  44. Li Z, Li L, Sokolova I, Shang Y, Hu M, Waiho K, Fang JKH, Huang W, Wang Y* (2024) Effects of elevated temperature and different crystal structures of TiO2 nanoparticles on the gut microbiota of mussel Mytilus coruscus. Marine Pollution Bulletin 199, 115979.

  45. Chan CKM, Fang JKH, Fei B, Kan CW* (2023) Microfibres release from textile industry wastewater effluents are underestimated: mitigation actions that need to be prioritised. Fibers 11, 105.

  46. Gao Y, Huang W, Jiang N, Fang JKH, Hu M, Shang Y*, Wang Y* (2023) Combined effects of microfibers and polychlorinated biphenyls on the immune function of hemocytes in the mussel Mytilus coruscus. Marine Environmental Research 192, 106214.

  47. Pan Y, Qian J, Ma X, Huang W, Fang JKH, Arif I, Wang Y, Shang Y*, Hu M* (2023) Response of moulting genes and gut microbiome to nano-plastics and copper in juvenile horseshoe crab Tachypleus tridentatus. Marine Environmental Research 191, 106128.

  48. Leung KMY, Astudillo JC, Fang JKH, Qiu J, Takeuchi I (2023) The Second International Conference on Biodiversity, Ecology and Conservation of Marine Ecosystems (BECoME 2022). Regional Studies in Marine Science 63, 103039.

  49. Wei S, Sun B, Liu C, Sokolova I, Waiho K, Fang JKH, Song H, Shi J, Shang Y, Xie Z, Hu M*, Wang Y* (2023) Nano-TiO2 aggravates the adverse effect of pentachlorophenol on antioxidative and immune response in anti-predatory mussels. Science of the Total Environment 893, 164836.

  50. Chan SY, Liu SY, Wu R, Fang JKH, Chua SL* (2023) Simultaneous dissemination of nanoplastics and antibiotic resistance by nematode couriers. Environmental Science and Technology 57, 8719−8727.

  51. Xie Z, Li Y, Xiong K, Tu Z, Waiho K, Yang C, Deng Y, Li S, Fang JKH, Hu M, Dupont S, Wang Y* (2023) Combined effect of salinity and hypoxia on digestive enzymes and intestinal microbiota in the oyster Crassostrea hongkongensis. Environmental Pollution 331, 121921.

  52. Li S, Chen H, Liu C, Sokolova IM, Chen Y, Deng F, Xie Z, Li L, Liu W, Fang JKH, Lin D, Hu M, Wang Y* (2023) Dietary exposure to nTiO2 reduces byssus performance of mussels under ocean warming. Science of the Total Environment 881, 163499.

  53. Xiong K, Liu X, Xie Z, Waiho K, Fang JKH, Wang Y, Hu M* (2023) The use of physiological and transcriptional analyses to examine molting regulatory mechanisms in juvenile horseshoe crab Tachypleus tridentatus. Aquaculture 572, 739518.

  54. Tse YT, Lo HS, Tsang CW, Han J, Fang JKH, Chan SMN, Sze ETP* (2023) Quantitative analysis and risk assessment to full-size microplastics pollution in the coastal marine waters of Hong Kong. Science of the Total Environment 879, 163006.

  55. Zhao R, Zhao F, Fang JKH, Xu K* (2023) A deep seamount effect enhanced the vertical connectivity of the planktonic community across 1000 m above summit. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 128, e2022JC018898.

  56. Chen X, Huang W, Liu C, Song H, Waiho K, Lin D, Fang JKH, Hu M, Kwan KY*, Wang Y* (2023) Intestinal response of mussels to nano-TiO2 and pentachlorophenol in the presence of predator. Science of the Total Environment 867, 161456.

  57. Xu X, Fang JKH, Wong CY, Cheung SG* (2023) Experimental accumulation of microplastics in acorn barnacle Amphibalanus amphitrite and its use in estimating microplastic concentration in coastal waters. Frontiers in Marine Science 9, 1081329.

  58. Miao F, Tai Z, Wang Y, Zhu Q, Fang JKH, Hu M* (2022) Tachyplesin I analogue peptide as an effective antimicrobial agent against Candida albicans–Staphylococcus aureus poly-biofilm formation and mixed infection. ACS Infectious Diseases 8, 1839–1850.

  59. Cao Y, Lei Y*, Fang JKH, Dong S, Li T* (2022) Molecular diversity of foraminiferal eDNA in sediments and their correlations with environmental factors from the Yellow Sea. Ecological Indicators 142, 109294.

  60. Shang Y, Wei S, Chang X, Mao Y, Dupont S, Fang JKH, Hu M, Wang Y* (2022) Sex-specific digestive performance of mussels exposed to warming and starvation. Frontiers in Physiology 13, 991098.

  61. Shui HT, Pan X, Liu Q, Long K, Cheng KKY, Ko BCB, Fang JKH, Zhu Y* (2022) Dietary exposure to polystyrene nanoplastics impairs fasting-induced lipolysis in adipose tissue from high-fat diet fed mice. Journal of Hazardous Materials, in press.

  62. Wei S, Xie Z, Liu C, Sokolova I, Sun B, Mao Y, Xiong K, Peng J, Fang JKH, Hu M*, Wang Y* (2022) Antioxidant response of the oyster Crassostrea hongkongensis exposed to diel-cycling hypoxia under different salinities. Marine Environmental Research 179, 105705.

  63. Xiong K, Miao F, Waiho K, Liu X, Fang JKH, He J, Hu M*, Wang Y (2022) Effect of probiotics on juvenile Tachypleus tridentatus gut microbiota. Journal of Ocean University of China 21, 564–572.

  64. Xu X, Fang JKH, Wong CY, Cheung SG* (2022) The significance of trophic transfer in the uptake of microplastics by carnivorous gastropod Reishia clavigera. Environmental Pollution 298, 118862.

  65. Farid MU, Kharraz JA, Lee CH, Fang JKH, St-Hilaire S, An AK* (2022) Nanobubble-assisted scaling inhibition in membrane distillation for the treatment of high-salinity brine. Water Research 209, 117954.

  66. Liu X, Liu J, Xiong K, Zhang C, Fang JKH, Song J, Tai Z, Zhu Q, Hu M*, Wang Y (2022) Effects of ocean acidification on molting, oxidative stress and gut microbiota of the horseshoe crab Tachypleus tridentatus. Frontiers in Physiology 12, 813582.

  67. Li Z, Chang X, Hu M, Fang JKH, Sokolova IM, Huang W, Xu EG Wang Y* (2022) Is microplastic an oxidative stressor? Evidence from a meta-analysis on bivalves. Journal of Hazardous Materials 423, 127211.

  68. Shang Y, Gu H, Chang X, Li S, Sokolova I, Fang JKH, Wei S, Chen X, Hu M, Huang W*, Wang Y* (2021) Microplastics and food shortage impair the byssal attachment of thick-shelled mussel Mytilus coruscus. Marine environmental Research 171, 105455.

  69. Shang Y, Wang X, Chang X, Sokolova IM, Wei S, Liu W, Fang JKH, Hu M, Huang W*, Wang Y* (2021) The effect of microplastics on the bioenergetics of the mussel Mytilus coruscus assessed by cellular energy allocation approach. Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 754789.

  70. Khan FU, Shang Y, Chang X, Kong H, Zuberi A, Fang JKH, Liu W, Peng J, Zhang X, Hu M, Wang Y* (2021) Effects of ocean acidification, hypoxia and warming on the gut microbiota of the thick shell mussel Mytilus coruscus through 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 736338.

  71. Chan CKM, Park C, Chan KM, Mak DCW, Fang JKH, Mitrano DM* (2021) Microplastic fibre releases from industrial wastewater effluent: a textile wet processing mill in China. Environmental Chemistry 18, 93-100.

  72. Liu X, Xu Z, Chang X, Fang JKH, Song J, He J, Tai Z, Zhu Q, Hu M* (2021) Enhanced immunity and hemocytes proliferation by three immunostimulants in tri-spine horseshoe crab Tachypleus tridentatus. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 115, 112–123.

  73. Lu K, Lai KP, Stoeger T, Ji S, Lin Z, Lin X, Chan TF, Fang JKH, Lo M, Gao L, Chen S, Chen G, Li L*, Wang L* (2021) Detrimental effects of microplastic exposure on normal and asthmatic pulmonary physiology. Journal of Hazardous Materials 416, 126069.

  74. Xie Z, Yan M, Wang Y, Fang JKH, Song J, Hu M* (2021) Spirulina platensis powder is an applicable feed additive for Chinese horseshoe crab Tachypleus tridentatus. Aquaculture Research 52, 2121–2129.

  75. Zhang K, Hamidian AH, Tubić A, Zhang Y, Fang JKH, Wu C*, Lam PKS (2021) Understanding plastic degradation and microplastic formation in the environment: a review. Environmental Pollution 274, 116554.

  76. Wang S, Zhong Z, Li Z, Wang X, Gu H, Huang W, Fang JKH, Shi H, Hu M*, Wang Y* (2021) Physiological effects of plastic particles on mussels are mediated by food presence. Journal of Hazardous Materials 404, 124136.

  77. Wang S, Hu M, Zheng J, Huang W, Shang Y, Fang JKH, Shi H, Wang Y* (2021) Ingestion of nano/micro plastic particles by the mussel Mytilus coruscus is size dependent. Chemosphere 263, 127957.

  78. Maier SR*, Kutti T, Bannister RJ, Fang JKH, van Breugel P, van Rijswijk P, van Oevelen D (2020) Recycling pathways in cold-water coral reefs: use of dissolved organic matter and bacteria by key suspension feeding taxa. Scientific Reports 10, 9942.

  79. Rooks C, Fang JKH, Mørkved PT, Zhao R, Rapp HT, Xavier JR, Hoffmann F* (2020) Deep-sea sponge grounds as nutrient sinks: denitrification is common in boreo-Arctic sponges. Biogeosciences 17, 1231–1245.

  80. Yao GY, Tan J, Wu YY, Su XY, Liu FSN, Zhang Y, Fang JKH, Chen NS, Wang CD, Liu ZG (2020) Genetic analysis of Argopecten irradians concentricus, “Bohai Red” and their hybrids. Progress in Fishery Sciences 2020, 41, 1–11 (in Chinese).

  81. Leys S*, Kahn A, Fang JKH, Kutti T, Bannister RJ (2018) Phagocytosis of microbial symbionts balances the carbon and nitrogen budget for the deep-water boreal sponge Geodia barretti. Limnology and Oceanography 63, 187–202.

  82. Scanes E*, Kutti T, Fang JKH, Johnston EL, Ross PM, Bannister RJ (2018) Mine waste and acute warming induce energetic stress in the deep-sea sponge Geodia atlantica and coral Primnoa resedeaformis; results from a mesocosm study. Frontiers in Marine Science 5, 129.

  83. Schönberg CHL*, Fang JKH, Carreiro-Silva M, Tribollet A, Wisshak M (2017) Bioerosion: the other ocean acidification problem. ICES Journal of Marine Science 74, 895–925.

  84. Schönberg CHL*, Tribollet A, Fang JKH, Carreiro-Silva M, Wisshak M (2017) Viewpoints in bioerosion research – Are we really disagreeing? A reply to the comment by Silbiger and DeCarlo (2017). ICES Journal of Marine Science 74, 2494–2500.

  85. Achlatis M*, van der Zande RM, Schönberg CHL, Fang JKH, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Dove S (2017) Sponge bioerosion on changing reefs: ocean warming poses physiological constraints to the success of a photosymbiotic excavating sponge. Scientific Reports 7, 10705.

  86. Strand R, Whalan S, Webster NS, Kutti T, Fang JKH, Luter HM, Bannister RJ* (2017) The response of a boreal deep-sea sponge holobiont to acute thermal stress. Scientific Reports 7, 1660.

  87. Wu RSS*, Chan AKY, Richardson B, Au DWT, Fang JKH, Lam PKS, Giesy J (2008) Measuring and monitoring persistent organic pollutants in the context of risk assessment. Marine Pollution Bulletin 57, 236−244.


​ Book chapters (*corresponding author)


  1. Dellisanti W, Seveso D, Fang JKH* (2022) Nutrition of corals and their trophic plasticity under environmental conditions. In: Chimienti G (Ed) Corals – Habitat Formers from the Shallow to the Deep. IntechOpen, London, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.104612.

  2. Chan CKM, Fang JKH, Kan CW* (2024) Microfibres from textile industry effluents. In: Rathinamoorthy R, Raja Balasaraswathi S (Eds) Microfibre Pollution from Textiles: Research Advances and Mitigation Strategies. CRC Press and The Textile Institute, Manchester, DOI: 10.1201/9781003331995-5.

  3. Schönberg CHL*, Fang JKH, Carballo JL (2017) Bioeroding sponges and the future of coral reefs. In: Carballo JL, Bell J (Eds) Climate Change, Ocean Acidification and Sponges. Springer, Cham, pp. 179–372.

  4. Wu RSS*, Chan AKY, Richardson B, Au DWT, Fang JKH, Lam PKS, Giesy J (2008) Measuring and monitoring POPs: a critique. In: Murakami Y, Nakayama K, Kitamura SI, Iwata H, Tanabe S (Eds) Interdisciplinary Studies on Environmental Chemistry: Biological Responses to Chemical Pollutants. Terrapub, Tokyo, pp. 1−6.

 Invited or keynote presentations

  1. Fang JKH (2024) Assessing Impact of microplastics on growth and behaviour of the juvenile tri-spine horseshoe crab Tachypleus tridentatus. The 10th International Conferences on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology, hosted by City University of Hong Kong, 3–6 January 2024, HKSAR.

  2. Fang JKH (2023) Assessing the potential of pearl oyster aquaculture for ecological carbon sequestration. Symposium on Marine Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Development, co-hosted by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Beijing-Hong Kong Academic Exchange Centre, and State Key Laboratory of Marine Pollution, China, 1–3 September 2023, HKSAR.

  3. Fang JKH (2022) The current status of microplastics in marine environments worldwide. East Asia Regional Training Workshop on Monitoring and Assessment of Microplastics in Marine Environments, co-hosted by the State Key Laboratory of Marine Pollution, China, and Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia, 19 December 2022, virtual.

  4. Fang JKH (2022) Recent method development for assessing microplastics in marine biological samples. The 2nd International Conference on Biodiversity, Ecology and Conservation of Marine Ecosystems, hosted by City University of Hong Kong, 2–8 January 2022, HKSAR.
  5. Fang JKH (2021) Improved Raman spectroscopy-based approach to assess microplastics in seafood. Training Session on Pollution Assessment and Management, The East Asian Sea Congress 2021, hosted by City University of Hong Kong and the Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA), 26 November 2021, virtual.

  6. Fang JKH (2019) Marine microplastic pollution in Hong Kong. The International Symposium on Marine Microplastics: Sharing Issues and Knowledge in the Asia-Pacific Region, hosted by the Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology and PEMSEA, 19–20 September 2019, Busan.

  7. Fang JKH (2013) The excavating sponge Cliona orientalis on the Great Barrier Reef, invited by the Academia Sinica, 4 November 2013, Taipei.




  1. Yuen SLS (2023) Cellular and physiological impacts of nanoplastics on the green-lipped mussel Perna viridis under ocean acidification. MPhil Thesis, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 100 pp.

  2. Leung RKL (2022) The use of multiple biomarkers in marine pollution monitoring: a case study in Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong. MPhil Thesis, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 60 pp.

  3. Leung MML (2022) Method improvement for the determination of microplastics in seafood. MPhil Thesis, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 78 pp.

  4. Fang JKH (2013) Combined effects of ocean warming and acidification on the marine excavating sponge Cliona orientalis Thiele, 1900. PhD Thesis, The University of Queensland, 113 pp.

  5. Fang JKH (2007) Evaluation of lysosomal integrity in green-lipped mussel Perna viridis as a biomarker in environmental monitoring. MPhil Thesis, City University of Hong Kong, 195 pp.

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Prof. James Kar-Hei Fang

Marine Ecology and Aquaculture Laboratory (MEAL)

Department of Food Science and Nutrition

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

& State Key Laboratory of Marine Pollution, China

Tel: +852 3400 8703; Email:

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